June 1

June 1, 2015

Every year we order painted lady butterfly caterpillars and every year we watch them change into chrysalides and then into butterflies.  I love this ritual.  It is fascinating and educational.  Today was the day to set the butterflies free.  And so we did.  

We are leaving for our summer trip soon and my worries have escalated, as they always do before I travel.  There is comfort in recognizing my patterns, but I hate the worrying.  Trying to focus on the to do list - it is long.  I will rewrite it again.  There are things I have crossed off and things that need to be added.  

When I was a kid getting ready for sleep away camp, my mom always took me to Phar-Mor to buy all of my toiletries.  This is another ritual that I loved.  It was just my mom and me, a rare and special occurrence.  Phar-Mor was a giant supermarket filled with toiletries.  I love toiletries!  They are so clean and they smell so good.  New shampoo, new soap, new hair goo, new pickles (pony tail holders), new tampons, new pantyliners, new nail polish, new razors.  Dreamy.  

Lavi Letting the Butterflies Free, (see the Painted Lady in Blurry Motion on the Left).  June 1, 2015


June 1, 2013

Tower of Tuna.  (Lisa and Roger Visit from Colorado).  June 1, 2013


June 1, 2012

Meghan and Toby.  June 1, 2012