October 20, 2017
When I was in college, one of my most favorite professors, Monika Lidman, assigned a daily journaling project. I think about this project all the time. The point of keeping the journal was to document our daily lives, so that weeks, months and years later, there would be a record of what we did everyday, how we felt, what we saw, things we collected. I still have that journal and I still think about the reason for keeping a daily record. Now, I post a photograph everyday, which is an interesting visual record, but I find myself thinking that I should write about my day as well. When I was 19 and taking Monika's class it was hard to believe that 20 years would go by, but here I am! 20 years have gone by! And it's a good thing I've had this blog (off and on) for so many years, it is so interesting to look back and see what I was doing, feeling, thinking.
Today I could hardly open my eyes when my alarm went off at 6 am. I was in a deep sleep when it went off. It's such an abrupt and mean way to wake up. I met my sweet friend Stacie for tea at 9:30, we had such a good talk and I had such a lovely time with her. I had a terrible cup of chamomile tea, which of course I did not drink (not a surprise to those who know me). Then I met Aaron for couples counseling at 11. We've been going every week for over a year and it has been amazing. Our therapist is awesome, we work really hard on our shit and I love it. I love therapy so much. Then we went out for lunch, Chinese food. I love Chinese food, but it always makes me think of when Aaron and I took my Grandma Libby out for Chinese food and she had a heart attack that night. She was OK, but it was frightening. She was so tough, she went into her bedroom to rest, when I checked on her she was feeling terrible, I had to call 911. That was a really long time ago.
And then I got my hair did.
Once, I kept a journal for a while where I only chronicled the things I did everyday, leaving out my feelings. When I read it later, I realized I had made a mistake by not writing about my thoughts and feelings.
I am exhausted - is everyone exhausted on Friday nights? Sleep well friends.
Shabbat Shalom. Love, Eden
P.S. Some days my writing will be more interesting than others. It's OK.