April 29, 2017
Today, I photographed Dayna and Thai for the Teen Parent Story Project. I had never met them before today, it is always so interesting to meet someone for the first time and photograph them. I always learn so much. Photographing Dayna and Thai was a good meditation for me. They are both quiet and calm. I enjoyed being around them, though I felt like a hummingbird buzzing around. A bit frenetic and also a bit noisy. I wonder if that was their impression of me as well. I truly enjoyed photographing them, they photograph beautifully and easily. I have not read Dayna's story yet, I am so looking forward to it.
Dayna is friends with two of the women I have photographed for the TPSP. One is a childhood friend, the other is a friend from graduate school. I do not believe the these two women know one another, it is so interesting to me how this project is evolving and growing.
Thank you so much, Dayna and Thai! I am so grateful you joined me today on Mt. Tabor and let me photograph you!