January 31, 2018
I used to write more often on my blog, but I think I've lost a big sense of why I write. For whom. And why. And why bother. And everything has become one gigantic, vile selfie. I am over social media. I am over humans, not all, but somewhere along the way kindness and humanity have been thrown out the window with the baby and the bathwater. So, fuck you.
I am the outlier. Just like most of the people who love me and who I love. We are the weirdos, thank the universe. Thank the goddess.
I've been very anxious, worrying a lot. This is normal for me, but sometimes the volume is turned up way higher than other times. So, there is Moko therapy. For me, for all of you.
I feel like being private, so much more now than I used to.
Perhaps the full moon is pulling me, pulling my heart, my mood, my anxiety. Tonight is the full moon. Go easy my friends.