August 19, 2019
Lavi’s Crazy Teeth. August 19, 2019
About a year ago, we learned that Lavi has some majorly crazy teeth. His bottom canines were growing in towards one another, under the gums, diagonally, wreaking havoc on his 4 bottom teeth. You can see these crazy ass canines in the top x-ray. Going. The. Wrong. Way. After two different orthodontists’ opinions, we learned that our only good option was surgery. In this surgery, Lavi’s bottom gum would be opened, pulled down, and metal brackets would be cemented to the two insane canines, under the gums. Then, the bottom gum would be pulled back up, and it would heal, leaving the brackets underneath the gums. Then, attached to these brackets, you can see they attached chains to each one (second x-ray). The chains are attached to some contraptions, attached to bottom teeth, and once a month we take Lavi to be tortured by the sweetest and kindest orthodontist, (I’m not being sarcastic, he is truly a compassionate person), where he attaches elastic to these contraptions, “activating” the teeth, pulling them slowly up out of the gums. So, today was the day, I got to take Lavi to get his teeth pulled up, millimeter by millimeter.
In the past, Lavi would take ibuprofen and that’s it. When the doctor worked on Lavi, he cried, a lot, and when the doctor “activated” those canines, Lavi would scream. It was the absolute worst. I can’t even. The worst. The next time, we gave Lavi a pill for anxiety to help calm him down, he has so much anxiety about all of this now. Totally understandable. We gave him the pill, but he still cried and screamed. We did this a few times, then we asked for Lavi to be numbed up.
Today, we numbed Lavi up for the first time and once he got through the novocaine shot (that was scary, I told him not to look, but he looked!), he was numb and the appointment was a breeze! Hallelujah!!!
These x-rays were taken 7 months apart. You can see the progress, thank goodness there is progress! The doctor said we might even see the left canine come up this month! Holy shit!!! That will be a day for celebration!! Chinese food for EVERYONE!!!
I will continue to share our progress. I can’t wait for these teeth to be born.