May 25, 2020
Things In My Kitchen. Left to right: Chrysalides, A Family of Lions, Athena Star, Make-Up Is Everything!, Florida, Coco, Heart and Coleus, Art by Carla, Art by Jodie. May 25, 2020
How are you today? Today is Sunday. Memorial Day. First unofficial day of summer. I hope you are feeling OK, or not so bad. Bored is acceptable. Know that I miss you and wish we could be together. We will all get vaccinated and we will be together soon-ish! I will keep praying.
Friends, it is essential to have a mantra. I know this. This is truth. It is also hard as fuck to do and to maintain. I know I should always have a mantra, but sometimes my mind runs from me like a bat out of hell. I always have to bring it back. Bring it back to the breath. Bring it back to the mantra. You know I preach this. I preach it always, and I know it is hard to do. I hope you are breathing into your belly right now. I hope you have a good, strong, loving mantra.
Today was clean the house day. We didn’t get it all done. Tomorrow I will vacuum and mop. I need to make my kids do more. I just know they will do a shitty job and then I’ll have to do it again. What do you have your kids do?
Time to unwind my wound-up self. Heading to the couch for an episode of Knight Rider with the fam.
Sending you all the love. A loving mantra. And a nice, deep breath.