July 26, 2017
We began our trek home today! I am happy and sad. Sad to say goodbye to Maine. So happy to be heading home! Moko time! Meghan, Ilyse, Sunny, Gardening, Swimming, The Gorge, Rivers, Mountains, Waterfalls, Kayaks, Canoes, Pambiche, Farmers Markets, My Mom, My Bed, My Sewing Machine, My Shower! Yee haw! MY SHOWER!!!
I am sleeping in Bruce and Carla's bed tonight. Our annual tradition. It's so funny, I'm here and Carla is at camp. I was just texting with her from her bed. Mayim is sleeping with us, Aaron is on a walk with Honey Bird. The Orr's live 4 blocks from the ocean, so lovely! I walked there twice today.
There were groundhogs at camp this year, I've never seen them before. They are shy and silly.
I'm too tired for more thoughts. Sleep well, loved ones.
Love, Eden