July 25, 2017
My Most Favorite Day In Maine. A Wonderful Way To Say 'See You Later, Maine'. July 25, 2017
Today was the loveliest. Burt, a friend of a friend, took us out on his sailboat today. Being on the water in Maine is my most favorite thing. I need to buy a sailboat, ASAP. It was a bit rainy, but that did not bring us down. We loved every minute of our sailing trip, thank you, Burt! I love seeing the coast of Maine from the water. The homes are like no other, quaint, beautiful. So unfamiliar to this Florida girl. (I must be an Oregon girl by now, aren't I? Funny how my frame of reference is often from when I was very little). I am always filled with a sense of longing I cannot explain. I want to simultaneously be on the water and on the big, wraparound porch. I want it all. It was so beautiful today, I am feeling bittersweet about leaving, which is a very nice feeling.
Then, we finally made it to Young's with Carla, Brad, Stephanie and my family. We saw Dani and company as well. (I ate a lobster. I did it! So far, I am OK. I will keep you posted.) Closure is so important, tonight felt like the best kind of closure. Dinner with wonderful friends. Brad, you nailed it! And another night with Carla, the BEST! I love you, Carla! Then a quick good-bye to our summer home, (we had to pick up the awesome shelf Lavi made). Honey Bird ran around and around, all around the huge yard, around the outside of the house, looking for Sitka. Poor Honey Bird, Sitka was not home. Best Friends Forever!
Tomorrow we hit the road to Beverley, MA. Thanks, Maine! Wish you didn't have any fucking ticks, but we love you anyway!
Love, Eden