September 11, 2019
If you are old enough to remember 9/11, then you know exactly where you were when you found out about the attack. I know exactly where I was. In bed. Brooklyn apartment. Early morning phone call. I didn’t pick up because I am not a morning person, I let it go to voicemail. Thankfully, she left a message letting me know she was OK. After that, phones were useless, no calls could get through.
My sister Danielle, her boyfriend at the time, and I spent the entire day on the couch together watching the news play the footage over and over and over. It is permanently tattooed on my brain, on all of our brains. Aaron went to work. That seems weird to me now. It seems like a lot of people did not go to work that day. And life has never been the same, since. I wonder if the people responsible feel proud of that. They have left a mark on our world, a mark of terror, hatred, violence, murder. Humans are the worst thing to ever happen to this planet. Our poor planet. Our poor children. Poor everyone and everything. All of the animals, the trees, the air, the bees, the birds, the rivers and oceans. Do you feel like you’ve had enough? Sometimes I feel all I see in a day are images of the Earth dying, our destruction of the Earth. Then I think of Trump and I feel hopeless. Then I fantasize about him dying. And Pence disappearing (also dying?). And Nancy Pelosi is the POTUS! Yay!!! Is this a dream? Is it reality? We can hope. We have to hope!