September 7, 2019
Today was another full day. Full of good, which is good. I had coffee with someone I’ve never met before and it was amazing.
I feel like I’m a slow learner. Or, maybe, I used to take things for granted that I no longer take for granted. I used to think there was an infinite amount of people in the world that I could and would connect with, I am realizing this is not true, at all. I have been in situations where I am surrounded by hundreds of people, but I am desperately lonely. I try so hard to connect, how could it be there is no one there to connect with? But it happens. I need connection, it keeps me juicy and alive. (Juicy is such a gross word). So now, when I connect with someone, I see it for what it is, unique and special. And then I hope I can befriend them, for real. It is so hard to make friends, we are all so busy, it’s hard to have the time to devote to cultivating true, meaningful relationships. I will keep trying. I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout, we always sang the song, “Make new friends, keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold”. I will continue to live that as my theme song.
I bumped into a friend I had not seen in a very long time today - I won’t reveal who it was, yet. Have to tell Meghan, first. It was wonderful to see her, she gave me the biggest hug. I’m feeling the love lately, all around. Keep bringing it, I love the love!
Meghan arrives in one week. I am eager, I can’t wait! Gonna fill up the tank, bitches.
Bedtime on a Saturday night = 10:15 pm. Totally nailing it.
I miss you! I love you!
Love, Eden