January 7, 2020
New Mom Group. January 7 2020
7 mamas and 7 babies showed up to my house today for New Mom Group. (My apologies to the mom and baby who are not pictured here, I didn’t get to photograph them today). All of the women in this group were students of mine in Prenatal Yoga. Many years ago, when I first started teaching prenatal yoga, I had one of the very best groups, ever. We had amazing chemistry, and I still remember most of them so clearly, (one of those babies was born on my birthday!). That was about 13 years ago, (holy shit, that kid is 13 now?!). They were my first group and at the time, I assumed that all of my classes would feel like that magical one. Over the years I’ve learned that is not the case. Many times I will connect with one or two women per class. But those wonderful class dynamics where a family and community is formed, this is a rare occurrence. It is all chemistry. There is no reason I can see why some groups gel and others don’t. I’ve learned that every group has its own dynamic. Good or bad. Now, I’ve learned to capture these wonderful women, when the magic is there. Recently, I created a drop in support group for new moms as a way for the community to continue to grow. And selfishly, as a way for me to get to be with amazing women and their gorgeous babies. Prenatal yoga is unique in the yoga world in that there is an end to each person’s participation, I call it their graduation. It is really called the birth of their baby. So, this lovely relationship that I’ve cultivated has a natural end and I don’t want it to end. Now the end of their time in yoga class with me is the birth, and then when the moms are ready, they can come to my house once a week for New Mom Group.
This morning I woke up at 5:30 am, before my alarm went off. I hate waking up before my alarm. There is no falling back to sleep. I woke the boys up at 6:20, emptied the dishwasher, and made oatmeal. Same as every school morning. Aaron makes the coffee. When the boys leave for school, the quiet is divine. I love when my boys are around and I love when they go to school. I drank my coffee and watched Colbert. I enjoy getting the dreadful world news with sarcasm and comedy. Jane Fonda was the first guest, she is fantastic. Then I did some yoga in my studio. My back is feeling so much better, but it’s not 100%. The hardest part to heal are the mental and emotional pieces, I am so afraid of injuring myself again. Yoga is the best, it heals me mentally, emotionally, physically. Then I showered. Then the mamas and the babies showed up. After they left, I searched the house for my tripod. Where the fuck is it? And now is now. I am here. And now I have to go pick up the boys from school. I teach Prenatal Yoga tonight. Home by 8. And that is a day.
Sending love and light your way. Go kick ass!