July 1, 2020
I found my box of beads today. It was in a box that was moved from the Greeley house, to storage, to this house. We still have boxes in this house that we have not unpacked. It was a miracle that I found the beads, a needle in a haystack situation. In this box, I found odds and ends. Some old photos, including this polaroid of Meghan. I know I took that photo in my house, that’s my blue chair, I can see the measuring spoons that my sisters gave me as a gift, but I am not sure which house. I’m leaning towards the one on Brooklyn St. Maybe Meghan knows, I will ask her tomorrow.
It was a rainy day today. Lavi and I watched Dead Poets Society. It’s interesting watching such serious movies with Lavi. Spoiler alert, if you have not seen this movie, stop reading now! One of the kids commits suicide. Such a bad choice. So sad and tragic. High school kids, it gets better! You will get away from your insane parents and things will feel so much better! It was sad, and it felt even sadder knowing that Robin Williams committed suicide. It still feels like such a shock and so horrific that he did that. You just never know what is happening for people behind closed doors. Suicide is so common, but no one talks about it. It has touched my life twice. Aaron’s best friend committed suicide when we were in our 20’s. And my dad attempted suicide about 20 years ago. Lavi does not know, today seemed like an opportunity to talk about it, but I wasn’t ready. When do you tell your children that their grandfather did that? Anyway, it’s a beautiful movie and an intense subject to talk about with my 14 year old son.
Things feel so chaotic in the world right now. I feel grateful to live in Oregon, but feeling anxious about our numbers going up. I am so upset and worried about the states that are seeing such huge numbers. Crimes against humanity. I keep thinking about that phrase. Hoping for justice that will never happen. Our piece of shit president is now saying that he likes masks because wearing one made him feel like the Lone Ranger. What a joke. We must be the laughingstock of the world. What. An. Idiot.
Stay safe. Wear your mask! Sending all the love.