July 16, 2020
Quarantine Dream. July 16, 2020
I love a busy day and today felt busy. I meditated this morning. Then a zoom coffee chat that was really intimate and personal. My favorite kind. Junk food lunch (ew). So much laundry folding, it was amazing. Finally, our washing machine is here, installed, and kicking ass. I am wearing clean pajamas for the first time in weeks. The height of luxury. Then some physical therapy exercises, some yoga. Pool time with Aaron. Prenatal Yoga on zoom. Dinner. Walk with Aaron. Wonderful chat with new friends that live a few blocks away. Wearing masks makes everything feel awkward and impersonal. It’s fine, don’t misunderstand, I love wearing my mask. It just makes things feel different. Mayim and I watched lots of adorable videos on Pinterest that I have been collecting, then we watched two episodes of Babysitters Club. So good. Lavi refused to watch Big Bang tonight, he was mad at me. When we came home from our walk, I expected my kitchen to be clean. Teens and tweens (and sometimes husbands) have a different idea of clean than I do. So, my kitchen was “clean”, but in reality, gross. So I yelled. He was mad at me for that. We had a nice NVC talk a few minutes ago. He told me why he was feeling angry. I told him I understand. I shared why I was feeling frustrated and disappointed and asked him to try to do a better job. All is well. I think.
I still need to fulfill my goal of deep cleaning and rearranging the studio. It is on my list of things to do.
I am going to read now. For pleasure. For escape. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are wearing your mask. If everyone buckles down and wears a mask all the time, we can get out of this mess. First, we might need to get rid of that pig.
Be well. Sending all the love.