April 16, 2020
Today is Thursday. Week 5 of sheltering in place. This is an interesting sociological experiment. Studying the human condition in a time of quarantine. Who follows the rules. Who does not. Who wears masks. Who takes this seriously, who does not. Also, studying how humans do emotionally and mentally when social interaction is taken away. My therapist and I talked about this, he feels peoples’ moods are flattening. A situational depression is setting in. I feel it. I do.
Today was a very social day for me, which was great. I had my zoom coffee chat, which was lovely. Then we got to zoom with Willow! We love Willow! Then I got to zoom with my fabulous friend Lenore. Then I talked with Meghan for a long time. Then I taught Prenatal Yoga, which is one of my most favorite things. Then Lenore and her family stopped by. They stood on the sidewalk, wearing their masks. I stood on my front stoop, wearing my mask. And that’s how we socialize in this time of social distancing. It was wonderful to see our friends in person.
I am really loving foam rolling. If you have a foam roller, I highly recommend using it.
I have tons of fabric cut and I’m ready to sew lots of masks. Please DM me if you need a mask. I’m also going to sew more panty liners.
Staying busy is the key to managing my monkey mind. Also, Aaron and I went on a walk today. He wanted to pick up some marijuana, I needed to get out of the house and out of my head. We found an amazing garden, I’m going to go back and visit it. It was such a good walk because we wound our way through part of our neighborhood that we never go to.
Spoiler Alert, Friday Night Lights:
The Panthers lost their big game. Such heartbreak, especially for the seniors. I really feel for them. Landry and Tyra kiss. Again. She’s so fickle. He’s so good. She should stick with him, he’s so smart, he’s going to be super successful. She keeps dumping him because he’s not super hot, she’s so superficial. I love the sensitive Matt Saracen. He’s so sweet and he’s such a good boyfriend. Julie is going to blow it again, she’s so lame. This season has way too much yelling in it. Mrs. Coach needs to chill the fuck out. Tim is still super hot. So so hot.
Are my kids way too young to watch the Southpark movie? There is the whole Saddam/Satan love affair, kind of worried about that part. Let me know your thoughts.
Sending you lots of love. Go easy on yourself.